Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Video

Some day we might have video of the rest of the family, but really it's the Mica video you all are looking for anyway right? It's been a big month-- walking, talking, waving, clapping... Big things happening at the Reed household. My first two grad apps go in this week and Eric starts a much needed two week vacation as of this friday. Party! We're looking forward to flying home to visit with the Reed contingent over the holidays and celebrating Mica's 1st Birthday! Still can't believe it's been a whole year. Although Eric and I were discussing that with all the lost sleep we've actually experienced more hours of this past year than probably any since we were her age! Makes me tired just to think about it. But it has been fun and we're totally in love with our little bundle of trouble.

much love to all,


Saturday, November 10, 2007

New Video!

Hi All!
So we had a great Halloween. Mica got all dressed up as a punk rocker-- mohawk and all. Eric's been really into my old film camera and took some great pictures but as they're on film it might take a while to get around to converting them into the 21st century. Mica's unfortunatly getting her second cold in so many months and is wicked congested. Poor little bean. But otherwise life is good. Eric and I have been getting out on our own more thanks to some great babysitters. Our compound (our building and the two next to it that all share the crazy backyard) had a big party last night with a tiki bar and all. One neighbor brought in a big screen and projector and showed some crazy indipendent short film that was super funny (and wierd). Mica continues to be quiet the party animal and was a total hit. Her friend Lorcan (two weeks younger) came over and they wrestled for a little while. Really Lorcan crawled around at high speed and Mica tried to tackle him whenever she could catch up. I hope to get video of the two of them soon because they're hilarous! Finally a baby that's not terrified of Mica!

I forgot to put captions on the movie so I'll explain the first part: in the shot are Mica's newest and greatest British nanny, Charlotte, and the little boy is Lukas. As you can see Lukas is sort of warming up to Mica!

Enjoy the show!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

New Video!

Hi Lovelies!
Mica has just turned 10 months old and she's quite the fire cracker. We've been spending a lot of time at our local playground and she's quickly learning the ropes. She's facinated by the other children and shrieks with joy whenever one comes over to play with her. She can now climb up the stairs on the play structure and just made it through the tunnel for the first time yesterday. She also attended her first halloween party yesterday (not quite on the same level as the ones we used to throw in Boulder, but similar). She was the rockin'ist puck rocker of the bunch. The parrot and kangaroo had nothin' on her. I'll post pictures of that soon.
The twins (mentioned below) didn't work out so I now we have a fabulous British nanny watching Mica and Lukas. She's the wife of an old friend of mine. She's miraculously patient and energetic with the tots and Mica is totally in love. I can't wait to speak British with Mica when she gets older!
Eric and I are both tired but hanging in there. I'm taking a one academic class and two evening art classes. I'm also beginning my research as to which grad schools I'll be applying to. Having 22 hours of nanny time really helps but somehow I still feel constantly a bit frazzled. Eric's working very hard to keep up with the crazy kids at his school. They're certainly testing his limits. We see eachother in short spurts during the week, mostly just to confirm that the othe still exists. But we're going to our first concert PM (post Mica) today! It's called the Bridge School Benefit Event and apparently is quite famous. It's put on by Neil Young and a lot of famous bands come play. It's all acoustic, though, so it should be extra interesting. Metallica is on the lineup this year!
Hope you all enjoy the video and new photos.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

More Photos

Photos for Reading Below.

Read Oct Or So below.

October Or So!

Hey, to all our fans. Go Sox! No really just wanted to get some new stuff on the site so lonely nights and long afternoons can go bye with a little smile from that spot made just for babies. Yea you know the spot.
So Sarah is busy at school with day and night classes, baby, weddings, and all round rockin it. Lookin really great is hard to do but she does it with so much more on the plate. With good lookin on the mind how bout that baby. Mica has had some WOW moments in the past few weeks. As seen in the last movie installment we expeienced some crawling. Well now she moves with direction. Will follow you and seek out new things to sink her four teeth into. Has seen her first crazy San Fran hippie love-in jam protest groove in the park gathering of the heads, third wedding, met the CO. family, danced in a cage (see photo), and daily makes me feel like a proud papa. I have been busy myself. I have been working hard at my job making small changes in relationships between myself and the kids. This is the hardest work to do. Lots of sadness, pain, and anger. But I like it for some reason. KIDS... I have been east to fish with Grandpa Reed (sorry dad), Greg, Tim, and the MV. crew. Then to Philly. Just alittle about Philly. Cheese Steaks Are For Real In Philly. Well its late and daddy gots to make the chedder early in the morning.

P.S. Love you Mom

Sunday, September 02, 2007

new video!

Here is another wonderful conglomerate of video from the past couple of months. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

long time comin'

They warned us it would. Life moves fast with an infant at home. 8 months doesn't sound like a long time but if you figure Mica has now grown from a semi-gelatenous blob of a being into a card- carrying, pulling-herself-up-in-the-crib, real-life baby, it's a really long time! We've had a number of fun adventures this summer. We've been to the east coast, the eastern Sierras and Colorado-- plus, Eric started possibly his most challenging job yet. Mica officially loves to travel. She loves the people, the activity, and the fact that she gets to sleep in king sized beds snuggled in between Mom and Dad.
But Fall is upon us and what is fall, really, without the smell of new textbooks? I'm heading back to school and that means that Mica will be in the care of her new nanny (nannies, really). We have teamed up with another family with a little boy just two weeks younger than Mica who will be brought to our house for day care every day. Lukas is an adorable little red-head who is absolutely terrified of Mica. It could be because she's loud and active, or maybe it's because everytime he gets near her she tries to eat him? It's good for a little boy to learn that little girls run the roost right? We've hired a pair of eccentric but fun identical twins who have had to miss this first week because of Burning Man (yes, it is still San Francisco after all). They will be sharing the job and we won't know necessarily which will show up on any given day. Anyone want to take a guess how long it will take me to tell them apart? I'll make sure to post pictures of them as soon as possible.
Enjoy these pictures for today and I hope to get some new video on soon. Love to all....


Getting some fresh air in Mammoth

An old picture sent recently to us by Sinead. Mica was about 4 weeks old.

more pictures

Mica's favorite playground passtime

Sarah on a goofy bike at a goofy fair

Mica with Sandy's puppy, Bork. BFF

Sandy hiking near Mammoth

Sunday, July 15, 2007

some more pictures from the trip

Blogger only allows me 5 pictures per post so here are a few more.

thoughts after a great trip

It's taken me two weeks since we got home to collect my thoughts. It was a great trip. Admittedly, better than I expected. Before we left I had visions of 6 hours with a screaming infant trapped in a cave of an airplane with snarling cabinmates at every turn. I had nightmares about having to smile for the inevitably endless flow of family after only minutes of sleep the night before. I worried that Mica would cling incessantly to me or Eric and scream when anyone even looked at her. But, thankfully, all of my fears proved unfounded. We actually made friends on the airplane! It turns out Mica is an international star having now been photographed and video taped by swarms of Asian tourists who seemingly had never seen such a cute baby in thier lifetimes. Mica's sleep, or lack thereof, wasn't disturbed at all by the cross- continent travel and she proved time and again to love strangers more than she loved us. All in all we visited 5 states, 4 great grandparents, 6 grandparents, 2 aunts, and uncle and cousins galore. Mica even cut 2 teeth on the trip without even seeming to notice! Granddaddy Perls' Mercedes wagon proved to be the perfect family wagon, keeping us riding in style. We got to see an old friend of ours marry a beautiful woman and aquire an adorable new daughter. Mica took her first dip in a pool at Eric's dad's place in Holyoke and witnessed her first lobster feast in Maine. We had a beautiful luncheon in the garden at my mother's place in Cambridge and took some classic Rousmaniere photographs with Grandma and all the cousins. So, enjoy the pictures and thanks to all that hosted us. We hope to be back soon!

love, Sarah, Eric and Mica

Friday, June 08, 2007

new conglomerate of funny Mica video

Hi loving friends and family. Lacking one outstanding video bit, I've made a conglomerate of video clips that seem cute and funny. Life with baby gets easier and more fun every day. Eric is home with us these days and has proven to be the doting father that I always dreamed he would be. Motherhood is still a trip. Sometimes I look down at her and wonder how she got here and when they're gonna come get her? We get out a lot-- none of us like to be cooped up all day, even Mica. We walk the city and go hiking out in the hills. Our assortment of baby gear grows every day. Apparently our years of outdoor sports-- and the gear maintenance required-- was just training for all the baby gear. Before I had her I was definately one of those moms who thinks that "modern parents have too much gear!" What do they need all that stuff for? But I must admit that I have officially been proven wrong. The stuff is great. Bring it on.
We're still struggling with sleep issues and Mica has discovered a shriek in range of pitches heretofore unknown to man (dolphins far and wide have been mysteriously beaching themselves on Ocean Beach). In a week we head east for her Grand Presentation. We will visit every possible Reed and Rousmaniere in the New England area in 2 1/2 short weeks. A feat to be seen! Hope we get to see some of you there.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Pictures Galore

Off to the Party

Granny and Mica

more pictures

Beautiful Time with Daddy

Gangsta' Lean
Smilin' Child

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thoughts on my first Mother's Day

Today is my first Mother's Day and I have to say it feels a lot less momentous than I expected it to. Yes, Eric, Mica and I have had a nice relaxed day wandering the city and Eric will be cooking a delicious fish dinner for me today, but otherwise it feels much like the other days. Maybe it's that after the shock of welcoming a newborn into our lives there's little that feels new or surprising to me anymore. That is, of course, for the ever changing being sleeping peacefully right now in our bed. I'm totally in love with my little girl. She's soft and warm and her eyes literally sparkle when she smiles. I always thought that was just a figure of speach but now I have learned the truth. Her skin is soft and smooth. Her hands are nimble and always searching. Her little lips are a rosy pink like the porcelain dolls they sell on TV. Although I know it happened and have a physical memory of it, I can not believe that she came out of me. Pregnancy and motherhood feel like two completely separate states of being. Birth is sudden and drastic, like a tornado, and there is only before and after. Although it is often unimaginably hard, I am so glad to be the mother of this wonderful little being. Thank you Eric and thank you Mica.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

After much effort I have finally figured out how to post a video!!! We made this video for Eric's sister, Elisa's, birthday and it was so cute I just had to post it. Now that I know how, more to come.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Thanks for the comments

So I got some feed back about this blog and it seems people just want to see Mica. SOOOO... Here you go all you good friends out there. Here she is. Oh yea here is the other Brown I caught. It is really nice to get feed back and I will try to keep blogging if you all send comments. Great to hear from those who said hello. Till next time.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

So Sarah, Mica, and I left for LA around 3 on Monday the 26th of March. Of course when driving anywhere in the Bay area you will hit traffic. And we did... So we made it in to LA late with a long drive down the 5 with a lot of stops for baby feeding and bouncing time. The next day we walked and drove (more driveing in LA then walking) and saw the sites. We got to introduce Sandys puppy and Kerry O'Brian to Mica. The following day we made our move towords the easter sierras. We drove to I-395 and went North. Now if you don't know this is the land of giant mountains and alpine desert. And the Owens River runs right along the interstate. we had some trouble with screaming baby but we made due. We made some false casts, maybe to many, and saw some great views. I was able to come home with two Browns on film and thats the way I like it. It was hard and fun and thats the way Sarah and I have always traveled. Hope you are all doing well and doing your own traveling.
Eric, Sarah, and Mica

Welcome to the new family Blog.

Everyone this is Mica Perls Reed. Cute right? Mica this is everyone Anyways Sarah and I decided to make a little website so we can set pictures and stories to our busy lives and allow others to get involved also. I have never done this before so if it looks sloppy and lame give me sometime to get used to it. I know all of you are so nice and easy this wont be a problem.
So welcome and enjoy. Please leave some suggestions and comments when you feel like it.
Eric, Sarah, and Mica Reed