Sunday, July 15, 2007

some more pictures from the trip

Blogger only allows me 5 pictures per post so here are a few more.

thoughts after a great trip

It's taken me two weeks since we got home to collect my thoughts. It was a great trip. Admittedly, better than I expected. Before we left I had visions of 6 hours with a screaming infant trapped in a cave of an airplane with snarling cabinmates at every turn. I had nightmares about having to smile for the inevitably endless flow of family after only minutes of sleep the night before. I worried that Mica would cling incessantly to me or Eric and scream when anyone even looked at her. But, thankfully, all of my fears proved unfounded. We actually made friends on the airplane! It turns out Mica is an international star having now been photographed and video taped by swarms of Asian tourists who seemingly had never seen such a cute baby in thier lifetimes. Mica's sleep, or lack thereof, wasn't disturbed at all by the cross- continent travel and she proved time and again to love strangers more than she loved us. All in all we visited 5 states, 4 great grandparents, 6 grandparents, 2 aunts, and uncle and cousins galore. Mica even cut 2 teeth on the trip without even seeming to notice! Granddaddy Perls' Mercedes wagon proved to be the perfect family wagon, keeping us riding in style. We got to see an old friend of ours marry a beautiful woman and aquire an adorable new daughter. Mica took her first dip in a pool at Eric's dad's place in Holyoke and witnessed her first lobster feast in Maine. We had a beautiful luncheon in the garden at my mother's place in Cambridge and took some classic Rousmaniere photographs with Grandma and all the cousins. So, enjoy the pictures and thanks to all that hosted us. We hope to be back soon!

love, Sarah, Eric and Mica