Friday, December 18, 2009

Fall 2009 Video

Here's the latest installment of the Mica adventures. Today was her first day back in school! Next week we head off to Western Mass for x-mas/Mica's B-day with the Reeds, then off to Costa Rica!

Fall 2009 Conglomerate from Sarah Reed on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas coming-- school done

It has been one hell of a couple of weeks. Here's the list:
1. Friday Dec 5th, 10 days before Sarah's final project is due, Mica comes down with Salmonella poisoning.
2. Saturday we make the trip to Children's hospital to get her IV fluids.
3. Mica out of school and sick all week (actually, for the next two weeks).
4. Sarah has a migraine for two days mid week.
5. Eric home with Mica almost all week-- no work done.
6. Thursday Granny comes home from Europe! Yea!
7. Sarah spends > 12 hrs a day at school from Friday Dec 10- Monday Dec. 14th getting final project done.
8. Monday final presentation-- all done!

Mica is doing much better now. She's still got some "loose stools" each day, but otherwise she seems completely normal. Poor kid still isn't allowed any dairy, though. And for Mica that's a BIG deal. We think she got it from her cousin who had it 3 weeks before they saw each other (and had no symptoms), but but we still don't really know. Otherwise it's a crazy coincidence. Either way it's crazy, really.

Here's a short YouTube of my final project: It's a Frisbee cast from cork mixed with a liquid plastic and with a circuit embedded in the top. When thrown it lights up!