Tuesday, November 11, 2008

new video!

So, as Eric said in his post life here is hectic. Graduate school at MIT with a baby at home is exactly as stressful as everyone said it would be. The shear vastness of knowledge that people at this school have (and that I don't have) is humbling and has taken a bit of a toll on the ol' ego. BUT, I persevere. I'm in a undergrad senior level design class and these kids are crazy. All plan on going out and making at least $100 grand after graduation-- compared to the kids I graduated with who's main concern was which ski mountain they planned to take up residence in after graduation. The overall culture shock is a bit more than I expected. But, despite all that bad stuff I am learning A LOT, which is something I like to do. Mica, of course, is doing great. Singing, talking, running, peeing in the potty. All that good stuff. She loves her daycare and only sits on other kids occationally (or so we're told). Enjoy the film!

more mica from Sarah Reed on Vimeo.

Mica 1 from Sarah Reed on Vimeo.

p.s. I would LOVE some advice on how to get these videos to not be so blurry and pixelated if anyone can tell me!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Shots of importance.

Pictures and words for November 1st.

So I am writing and putting up pictures because we have neglected to do so since last month. Wild to think that we are already into November. I have already been in school for five weeks and I am loving it. I haven't taken that many pictures with the Digital camera this term because we are really working exclusively with film. Black & White and color film. I really like color printing but it looks and sounds as if it is on its way out. To be replaced with digital soon. I have been getting alot of great feed back from the professors and the other students. Great to be in a creative and supportive environment. But they really treat this school like a job. Very strict policies regarding being on time, deadlines, and equipment usage. Really not a problem for me but for the folks that had never had a job in the past. It has been tough for them. Enough about me. The ladies are great and continue to become more amazing every day. Mica just had here first Halloween that she could really walk around and trick or treat. Mommy and daddy have lots of candy now.