Thursday, August 30, 2007

long time comin'

They warned us it would. Life moves fast with an infant at home. 8 months doesn't sound like a long time but if you figure Mica has now grown from a semi-gelatenous blob of a being into a card- carrying, pulling-herself-up-in-the-crib, real-life baby, it's a really long time! We've had a number of fun adventures this summer. We've been to the east coast, the eastern Sierras and Colorado-- plus, Eric started possibly his most challenging job yet. Mica officially loves to travel. She loves the people, the activity, and the fact that she gets to sleep in king sized beds snuggled in between Mom and Dad.
But Fall is upon us and what is fall, really, without the smell of new textbooks? I'm heading back to school and that means that Mica will be in the care of her new nanny (nannies, really). We have teamed up with another family with a little boy just two weeks younger than Mica who will be brought to our house for day care every day. Lukas is an adorable little red-head who is absolutely terrified of Mica. It could be because she's loud and active, or maybe it's because everytime he gets near her she tries to eat him? It's good for a little boy to learn that little girls run the roost right? We've hired a pair of eccentric but fun identical twins who have had to miss this first week because of Burning Man (yes, it is still San Francisco after all). They will be sharing the job and we won't know necessarily which will show up on any given day. Anyone want to take a guess how long it will take me to tell them apart? I'll make sure to post pictures of them as soon as possible.
Enjoy these pictures for today and I hope to get some new video on soon. Love to all....


Getting some fresh air in Mammoth

An old picture sent recently to us by Sinead. Mica was about 4 weeks old.

more pictures

Mica's favorite playground passtime

Sarah on a goofy bike at a goofy fair

Mica with Sandy's puppy, Bork. BFF

Sandy hiking near Mammoth