Friday, June 08, 2007

new conglomerate of funny Mica video

Hi loving friends and family. Lacking one outstanding video bit, I've made a conglomerate of video clips that seem cute and funny. Life with baby gets easier and more fun every day. Eric is home with us these days and has proven to be the doting father that I always dreamed he would be. Motherhood is still a trip. Sometimes I look down at her and wonder how she got here and when they're gonna come get her? We get out a lot-- none of us like to be cooped up all day, even Mica. We walk the city and go hiking out in the hills. Our assortment of baby gear grows every day. Apparently our years of outdoor sports-- and the gear maintenance required-- was just training for all the baby gear. Before I had her I was definately one of those moms who thinks that "modern parents have too much gear!" What do they need all that stuff for? But I must admit that I have officially been proven wrong. The stuff is great. Bring it on.
We're still struggling with sleep issues and Mica has discovered a shriek in range of pitches heretofore unknown to man (dolphins far and wide have been mysteriously beaching themselves on Ocean Beach). In a week we head east for her Grand Presentation. We will visit every possible Reed and Rousmaniere in the New England area in 2 1/2 short weeks. A feat to be seen! Hope we get to see some of you there.