Monday, June 14, 2010

Mica's First Fish!

Mica has officially caught her first fish (well, mostly)! We took the canoe out on the Charles River this weekend and, despite a slight drizzle, managed to catch two fish on the good 'ol Spongebob fishing rod. It was great fun and Daddy was very proud of his little girl.
In other updates things are coming down to the wire here-- one month to go. I've finished classes (woohoo!) and now am just working on my thesis which still involves going into school every day but at a slower and less stressed pace. The kids' room is finally in order and the crib is set up. Eric and I have been practicing out hypnobirthing and it's amazing how fast he's able to put me to sleep with this technique. The whole idea is super relaxation and more or less guided hypnosis. I'm excited to see how it works for the real thing!

Mica's First Fishes from Sarah Reed on Vimeo.

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